Recent developments...
8 Jan 2018
22 Nov 2017
4 Jul 2017
30 Jun 2017
3 May 2017
14 Feb 2017
Nature Scientific Reports: A Novel Application of Non-Destructive Readout Technology to Localisation Microscopy

SciMeasure has been involved in the development of high performance scientific CCD and CMOS cameras since 1994. Growing from academic roots, SciMeasure's commercial camera business began with NASA-funded Phase I and II SBIRs for developing a compact, high-speed, low-noise CCD camera for wavefront sensing using the EEV (now e2v) CCD39. Since then, our camera technology has evolved and we have been supporting state-of-the-art research in astronomy and life sciences using only best in class imaging sensors.
Partnering with RedShirtImaging and ImagerLabs, we were subsequently awarded Phase I and II SBIRs by the NIH to develop a novel high speed deep well CMOS detector and camera with frame rates up to 10 kHz and a maximum well depth of 100 million electrons. System integrator RedShirtImaging provides state-of-the-art turnkey systems for optical imaging in neurophysiology and cardiovascular research.
More recently, through collaboration with Cairn Research and Sheffield University, our latest DaVinci-2K low noise CMOS camera has proven to be superior in low light applications such as super resolution microscopy and single molecule tracking in addition to high speed voltage and calcium imaging.